Wednesday 29 April 2015



These are some of the main characters of the film: OLD MAJOR: Old Major is the first major character described by George Orwell in Animal Farm. This "purebred" of pigs is a kind, grandfatherly philosopher of change. The revolutionary leader of animal farm. NAPOLEON: Napoleon is a pig character in the novel by the English writer George Orwell Animal Farm, symbolizing the Soviet dictator Stalin. SNOWBALL: Snowball is a character in George Orwell's novel Animal Farm, which believes in a continuous revolution. BOXER: Boxer is a cart-horse in George Orwell's Animal Farm. He is described as the farm's most dedicated and loyal laborer. SQUEALER: Squealer is an extremely intelligent pig, a brilliant orator, and when discussing a difficult issue, has a way of jumping from side to side tail wagging it very persuasive. The relation between them is good at the beginning because like the Old Major says, “ all animals are equal “ . Everyone respect the another. 
But when the time continues, the rules change. The Old Major dies and there is a revolution in the farm. The owner runs away because he is afraid. And there is another dictator we can say, that is Napoleon. Since then, the pigs are the kings of the farm and the other animals work for them. The animals didn't agree with their lifestyle, they were always working and the profits that they produced were for the farmer, so they decided to make a revolution. The animals worked together in the farm except the pigs, the benefits that the animals got were mainly food that they obtained in the farm. The leader of the animals was Napoleon. Napoleon broke the laws of the farm because one law was that all the animals were equals, and he didn´t work like the others, so he was above all the animals. We can see that it is a dictatorial government in the animal farm. 
The rulers are the pigs, above all Napoleon, and they do the laws. The administer of the animal farm is Snowball. Those animals that question the laws can die. I understand about ‘animalism’ that it is like communism in our case, it is a socioeconomic system structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and characterized by the absence of social classes, money, and the state; as well as a social, political and economic ideology and movement that aims to establish this social order.  
The pigs change the rules for their own benefit , and with this, no-one can say nothing about what they do. In the film we can see the farmer, who is a very bad person because misprizes and mistreats the animals and the farm, then there is the business man who wants benefits regardless damage anyone. 
In our opinion people are very different in this themes. We can see during the film the change of the pigs morality and ideas to benefits themselves.


 CHARACTERS AND SYMBOLISM - The main characters of these film are some as Old Major the oldest pig of the film and the leader of the revolution but when he dies he is converted into the symbol of the revolution another important character is Snowball a follower of old major that thinks completely in animalism but then he is duped by Napoleon another pig but with completely different ideas because Napoleon thinks that pigs are superior than others. Boxer is a horse that follows Napoleon thinking that he is a good leader but when pigs don’t need his help they sold them. The last character is Squaler the “best friend” of Napoleon and he is in charge of publicity and security of animals but really he works for Napoleon. At the beginning of the film every animal are equal and they all work to make the farm better but as always some want more than anothers. Animals decide to make a revolution because they are slaves of the farmer and they want to be free and equal, the leader is Old Major but when he dies the leaders are Snowball and Napoleon, at the end of the revolution the get all the farm and they benefits for them.

TYPE OF GOVERMENT - In animal farm the type of government is supposed to be a communism but it looks more like a dictatorship of Napoleon. The rulers are Napoleon and Squaler, but Napoleon has more power because he makes the rules and he changes if he wants, and Squaler is in charge of administer of rules and compliance of them. Those animals who question the laws are killed because of disloyalty to Napoleon and to the farm. So in the end they cant express what they think about the laws.

POLITICS RELATED TO ETHICS - When they talk about Animalism I think that it is a society where all animals are equal and they all work to help the other ones in order to get a better a life. In the film one of the laws is ” ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL” but then pigs change it to “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN ANOTHERS” so that means privileges for the pigs and that is no part of animalism but no one says nothing because Napoleon will kill them so in the end pigs have privileges as sleeping in beds and drinking alcohol.

PERSONAL CONSIDERATIONS - Animal farm in some cases as Napoleon and Squaler gives a very black picture of human nature because they only think for themselves and they want them to be rich and powerfull but other animals as dogs, sheeps and horses work to help one another and if one needs helps the other ones will help them so we totally don’t agree with these statement. Another thing that is shown in the film is power corruption and in Animal Farm we can see that when some kind of people has absolute power they are absolutely corrupt and that is very well shown in the farm in the case of pigs.



Mayor: hewas a very old pig that he spent all his life observing thebad lifeof the animals because of the humans. He had a dream in which the humans killed the animals who were old and were much useful
   Napoleon:  all the animals fealt about him like he was responsible ofall the animals. He look after all the animals. He killed snowball
   Snowball: he started learning know to read to offer some iddeasto improve the ferm. Andto teach the oters how to read too.
   Boxer: he was a very old horse who workwd a lot. When he can`t do any more Napoleon call to a company who make glue to kill him.
   Squeater:He was the pink pig who approvesd all the things that Napoleon did. And all the things that the animals did he told to Napoleon.
At the beganinig all the animals were equal,they where controlled by the humans.
They decided to make a revolution because the humans treated them badly, they didn’t give them to eat, hard work and they kill them when they were not useful any more.
The leaders of the revolution were Napoleon and Snowball, but when Napoleon killed Snowball Napoleon was the only leader.
The benefits they got with the revolution was that all the animals were equal and all the decisions were taken among them.

At the beginnig they tried to be a democracy but after the death of Snowball became in a dictatorial govermanet controlled by Napoleon.
The rules were:
         No animal will sleep in a bed
         All the animals will be equal
         No animal will drink alcohol
The above rules were inplementeed by Snawball with the agreement of all the animals.
After the death of Snawball the new rules were:
Napoleon administered the new laws with the help of Squeale, the pink pig.
When one animal questioned the laws, Napoleon ordered to the dogs to punish or kill them.


I understand that "animalism" is a way to describe the behaviour of the people with power against the rest of the people.
It does not justify ‘privileges’, because in a a democracy all animals are equal and have same privilages, no one is more inportant than the rest.


The film gives a very black picture of human nature, because although at the begining all types of governments look for the people, many of them become into dictatorial, comunims or any other controlling way of  goberment, except the Democracy that mainly considers the human rights
In the film Animal Farm it is shown that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts apsolutely. Because as soon as Napoleon killed his oponent Snawball, he became an absolute dictator.


Animal Farm is a story wrote by Gorge Orwell. It is a criticism of governments in which a small group of people make the laws for the great majority of people without consulting them. That means that he is criticising totalitarianism. In the story people is replaced by animals.
The most important characters are Napoleon, Snowball, Old Major, Boxer and Squealer. All of them except Boxer are pigs and are the only ones who make decisions. Boxer is a horse that only does what the pigs say. At the beginning all the animals were friend and the made a revolution against the farmer because he was not good with them. In that revolution Snowball is the leader, inspired by the ideas of Old Major and giving animals more food and not maltreating them , but then Napoleon took all the power by violence.
In the story, the government of the farm was a dictatorship because the pigs were the ones who decided everything. In addition to this, every animal who questioned the law was killed.
The ideology of the animals is animalism, that means that the animals are ruled by animals and all of them work together. Despite of that, there is one problem, some animals want more power and privileges so they change the laws in their benefit.
In our opinion, we agree that Animal Farm is a very hard criticism of human nature, because in real life happens the same. We also agree that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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